Get together.
Party on.
Hotel Fernblick Montafon - Pärchen im Panorama Restaurant

Birthday Celebrations at the hotel

Your special day with a difference!

Do you intend to celebrate this year's anniversary in a very special way? Why not celebrate in beautiful Montafon! Thoughtful, attentive service, unique scenery, and comprehensive comfort in our Hotel Fe_rnblick Montafon guarantee you an unforgettable birthday party at the Hotel in the Montafon Valley. Plan a short trip to us on the Bartholomaeberg around your birthday. The beautiful nature 365 days a year and the ambience of our Hotel Fernblick Montafon with a view over the roofs of Schruns are awaiting you. You should celebrate your birthday with a festive touch. That is why our exclusive birthday package Young. Old. Party On! in our Hotel Fe_rnblick Montafon contains lots that will make you truly celebrate your birthday. Look forward to culinary delights on your festively celebrated birthday!

Hotel Fernblick Montafon - Sky Pool

Birthday Celebrations

Young. Old. Party On!
3 nights to celebrate far away from everyday life? We celebrate your birthday and make it unforgettable! Life is full of highlights. Happy Birthday!